Books By Josh

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December 30th 2017, Will This Josh Last .... Convictions

   Earlier today while walking through snow an idea popped into my head. Almost everyone does a New Year's Resolution, but most never follow through. So if this is a post about New Year's Resolutions, how does it apply to me? Many readers might think that I am only posting because of a silly resolution. That's not it at all so that's why I decided to do this post.

   The reason I have been posting constantly this week is because I want to go back to being a person who stood by his convictions. I don't believe in setting a New Year's resolution because we as a society never keep them. How many times have you heard someone say they want to lose weight so they buy a gym membership. After going to the gym a couple of times they just stop going all together. The reason why is because we don't put any weight behind these soo called resolutions. Our commitments mean nothing anymore because society has made it easy to change our minds. Just today I saw three people cancel on a dinner that was planned a month ago. The reason why, because it's easy to cancel. In less than a second we can send a text to cancelling a plan. The same can be said about waking up early to workout, who owns a traditional alarm clock anymore? Everyone of my friends use their phones as an alarm clock, which means it's close to us so we can easily hit the snooze button. We want to eat healthy yet we can food delivered to us easily by using UberEats. Technology has made our New Year's Resolutions into paradoxes.

   So what makes me different from everyone else? I'm not treating this like a resolution, I am treating this as something I have to do no matter what. If I don't follow my schedule then I can not obtain success. Sounds stupid but this conviction mentality has helped me give up eating meat for a year and help me get into shape in the past. You have to change your daily routine to see results in anything in life. The past couple of months I was waiting for some free time so that I could post on this site, which was the wrong thing to do. Only now this week did I fully understand that I had to make the time for the site, which wasn't that hard. I just had to implement a little time management which is why people fail at their resolutions. If you want to get out of debt for the New Year then you have to set aside money every paycheck to send extra to the bills or save away.If you want to get into shape start slow before going all out at the gym, walk a little more than you are used to. If you want to accomplish anything in life you have to change your mental state. How else would I increase my bench press max from 45lbs to 315lbs in a couple of years.

   That's it for today's post it's short but sweet. If you enjoyed this post thanks, if not oh well. Either way feel free to leave me a comment down below. If you want more content, you can subscribe to the Books By Josh Show on ITunes, Google Play Music and Stitcher. If you want more content then that you can check us out on YouTube. To get notified whenever we post make sure you follow us on Twitter or Facebook. If you wish to support the site, the best way is to tell your friends about us. If you want to show more love feel free to subscribe or support us. If that still isn't enough, feel free to become a patreon or buy a signed copy of my book from our store page. All of the links to everything can be found at the bottom of this post and like always...... I'll catch you guys in the next one, see-ya.
