Books By Josh

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May 29th 2018 What is my True Goal?

    Yup I'm going personal once again. I'm doing a follow up to yesterday's post. Yesterday, I introduced the term True Goal so why not tell you my personal True Goal. Joes and Joettes get ready for another deep personal post.

    For those of you who missed yesterday's post it's okay because I will redefine it. A True Goal is the one thing you desire above anything else. It's the reason you get up every day. Many success people say that money can not be your true goal and I agree with them. Sure one of my goals is to make three thousand dollars a month after expenses, so that I can quit my day job. This would allow me to work on my craft full time and put out way more content. If I am unable to achieve this goal, I would still be able to get up every day and put in work because it's not the real reason I get up each day.  My one true goal gets me out of bed every morning and it has nothing to do with money.

   I know that everyone is itching to hear what my one true goal is. It's Joy, that's it in a nutshell. The long description of it is this... I want others to experience the Joy I had whenever I read a book. I want them to have a place to escape the troubles of life. It doesn't have to only be through writing but any form of content which I produce. I also want to inspire people so that they give their all at life. I want to show people that where they come from doesn't affect where they end up in life. What you do is what defines who you become. That is my True Goal and that's why I just call it Joy.

   So why is it important that you define your True Goal? You have to know your True Goal because the journey gets hard. If your True Goal is to be rich and famous because you think it seems fun might not help you weather the storm. Behind every story of success are hundreds of stories of failure. Success in any field is not easy and your True Goal is the only thing that will keep you from quiting. A True Goal is the backbone to any successful person or company which is why people write best selling books about it. Simon Sinek's Start With Why and Evan Carmichael's Your One Word, are just two of the many books written on this subject. That's why I want everyone reading this to define their True Goal. It doesn't matter if you don't want to be an entrepreneur, it works for anyone. It works for parents who want their kids to go to a good school. It also works for someone who just wants to move out of their parent's house and buy their own house or home. Take some time and think about what you really want out of life. Don't continue reading until you have some inkling of what your True Goal may be.

   Now that you defined your True Goal what's next? You figure out what you have to do to achieve it. It's simple, yet this is the hardest part. Starting is hard but having a strong True Goal will make it easier. If your True Goal is to keep up with your new born child when they are older, then you are more willing to work out than someone who only wants to lose weight for the new year. I can't tell you what you have to do in order to achieve your True Goal. Everyone has a different True Goal and I don't know that much about you. Feel free to message me directly for some advice on achieving it if you chose. A true goal is similar to a goal, it's just a bit larger. That means you must hold yourself accountable and you must be able to measure your progress.

   I'm not going to end this post with the same copy and paste as my other posts. I want to actually have a personal ending on this topic. I was able to share my True Goal because I am comfortable with everyone knowing it. But don't be fooled, I didn't figure out my True Goal in one night. I had to think of it long and hard over a couple of weeks. My True Goal is broader than most and that's why I have made smaller goals that are all crucial pieces in making my True Goal happen. If you feel comfortable please feel free to share your True Goal in the comment section. I might do a video or audio regarding this topic to be used in addition to this post. Let me know if that is something that you would be interested in hearing or watching.