Books By Josh

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October 24th 2019, Arnold’s Take On Shortcuts

Joshes and Joshettes, today’s post is both a philosophy post and a motivational one. It’s not Wednesday but who cares I felt like writing this post on a Thursday. Get ready to learn from an unlikely teacher.

Today’s teaching comes to us by way of Arnold Schwarzenegger and it’s one of his bests. So what is this powerful teaching? There are no shortcuts — everything is reps, reps, reps. Yes, this is a quote about working out but it can be applied to any aspect in life. Let’s define this quote, the first part of this teaching is self-explanatory there are no shortcuts in life aka no easy way to win at the game of life. Since reps are short for repetition, The second part translates to everything depends on putting in the work. If you take a step back and observe society you will notice a trend. Everyone is always looking for an easy way to accomplish any given task. We want to lose weight without putting in any work or effort, we just want to take a magic pill or start a fad diet. We want to better ourselves without working on ourselves, we just want it to happen on its own. We want to increase our cash flow without increasing the value we bring, we rather buy lottery tickets and invest in get rich quick ideas. Without the reps, you cannot succeed at anything.

So how do we apply this teaching to our lives? We have to remember to do the workday in and day out each and every day. The hardest part of doing the reps is showing up. We all say that we want to do this or that but we do it for a bit and then stop. It’s easy to start something but it’s hard to follow through (that’s why I dedicated a podcast to it). Want to know how to follow through and show up? Follow this teaching and just do the reps. Sounds redundant but the only way to ensure you show up is by forcing yourself to do the reps. They say it takes ten thousand hours to get good at something so you better start doing the reps.