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February 7th 2018 Space Race is second most important race

   As you can probably guess, this post was inspired by Space X starting up the space race. Many people are saying what a time to be alive but this isn't the most important race. The most important race is the one called life. Yes this is another rant about life, so get ready.

   We as humans are all in awe about the upcoming space race that we forget about the race we are already in. As Robert Kiyosaki calls it the rat race, that is him term for the game of life. How many of you have ever played the game of life, yes the board game or the virtual version of the game. For those of you who have never played its a game about life, where the goal is to have the highest net assets by the time you retire. Honestly the game is pretty easy because it automatically gives you a decent career and give you a spouse automatically but guess what life doesn't always work out like that. For most of us life goes a little like this...

   We work hard for our money, then we earn the money, then we pay our bills, from there we spend money on items that give us instant gratification, after spending all that money we have no money left for savings, which then leads us into debts by using credit cards and loans. Do you know what we do after getting into debt? We start working harder to earn money and that is what life looks like for most of us. Just sit back and think how you are spending your paycheck. All those lattes from Starbucks add up. So now that you know that you are in the rat race how do you get out? No clue!!

   When I say no clue it's because I don't know you or your exact situation. Like most motivational speakers and entrepreneurs say, find a side hustle. Drive for uber or deliver food for them or post mates, sell stuff online. I know what some people might be thinking right now, Robert Kiyosaki says there's only twenty four hours in a day. By working two jobs we are still working for the money and not making the money work for us. That is true but baby steps, how can you expect to invest if you are drowning in debt. The most important thing is not about what to do it is how to do it. If you spent all of this past Sunday getting ready for and watching the Superbowl you lost. What do I mean by saying that you lost, you lost time which is our most valuable asset. Don't get me wrong I watched the Superbowl but it wasn't my main focus I had it playing in the background while working on other things.

   Okay so that you understand what the rat race is what does that have to do with the Space X launch. Nothing and that's the point, why should you care about the new space race unless it directly affects you. Use that time and energy to learn a new trade or do something proactive. That's basically what this post is about. I just want you guys to shift your mindset and only care about things that are in your control. 

    If you enjoyed this post thanks, if not oh well. Either way feel free to leave me a comment down below. If you want more content, you can subscribe to the Books By Josh Show on ITunes, Google Play Music and Stitcher. If you want more content then that you can check us out on YouTube. To get notified whenever we post make sure you follow us on Twitter or Facebook. If you wish to support the site, the best way is to tell your friends about us. If you want to show more love feel free to subscribe or support us. If that still isn't enough, feel free to become a patreon or buy a signed copy of my book from our store page. All of the links to everything can be found at the bottom of this post and like always...... I'll catch you guys in the next one, see-ya.

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