Books By Josh

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Where Has My Time Gone (Poem)

I stare at a clock on my wall and wonder where my time has gone?

I turn to father time and ask for a gift receipt, Because I want to exchange my wasted time.

Everywhere I look, lies a thief who is out to steal time from me.

The first thief hides in my tv and they entice me with movies and shows.

The second thief takes shelter in my computer and they sell access to the worldwide web.

The third thief is slick, they take the form of books but offer no learning.

The fourth thief plays the friend but they only take and provide nothing in return.

But the biggest thief of all is right in our pocket and it gives us access to everything the other thieves promised and much more.

That's it my phone is my problem, my day is saved.

Yet, without a phone, I have all this time but nothing to do with it.

A catch 22 because my phone makes me money.

Can I keep my time from escaping while not falling victim to the temptations?

Or will I be another victim who lost their time?