October 17, 2016 What technology do I use on a daily basis

   So recently I have changed a couple of my tech accessories, so I have decided to update you the reader. Remember I am a tech lover/geek so you might not agree with some of my choices. So let's dive in...

   For my cell phones, I have a Nexus 6p and a Samsung Note 5 as my daily drivers. I use Google Project Fi for the Nexus and At&t for the Note 5. Since it's October this is the prime time to buy a new cellphone. I would upgrade but no phone released has that wow factor. The new Pixel XL is a nice phone but not at $869.99 for the 128gb. A lot of readers might ask why I have two different carriers, the answer is simple. One is for work and the other is for personal/business. Google Project Fi lets me pay the same rate for data in over 200 countries. 

   Another good thing about Project Fi is that it gives me a free data only sim card for my tablet. For tablets I have a total of four different ones. Each one has a different purpose but for this site and my writing I use only one of them. The tablet that I use on the go is an unlocked Galaxy Tab S 8.4.  The reason I prefer this tablet over my other three is because of the weight and size make it very portable, also the addition of a cellular antenna allows me to post without WiFi. As you can tell I am a very avid fan of android and the reason is simple, syncing. I use Google Apps for Work Suite so always in sync with the cloud. I have an IPad and have used many iIPones in the past, they have caused me to receive emails a couple of minutes late. It might not sound like a big deal, but when you are waiting for an important response time is of the essence.

   For real productivity on the go I have my trusty Microsoft Surface Pro 3. It combines a tablet and a laptop in one. One problem I have with all of my tablets is google docs is good on the go for small writing sessions, but does not work well for extended writing sessions. So the ability to use full Microsoft Office on the go is amazing. Even though tablets are great for portability, they lack true multitasking ability. The surface pro allows me to edit videos and photos on the go while ruining multiple windows at the same time. Nothing will ever replace Microsoft Outlook on a desktop, once you use it you can never go back. Other than the surface I have a desktop that i built myself, it is where I get most of my serious work done. It has three screens and top of the line components.

   There are many other devices that I own like my Canon 60D dslr, but at the moment I do not use it for this site. That's it for today's post. Feel free to ask any questions in the comment and feel free to send this post to a friend.

October 10, 2016 What books do I enjoy and where I get them from

   As the title suggests, today's post is about what books I enjoy and how I obtain them. Before you dismiss this post, just stick around for a bit you might learn something. At the bottom of this post you will see a preview of my book library, just the electronic ones for now. My physical book library is for another day.

   Nine out of ten readers who don't know me personally must think that I buy most of my physical books and eBooks from Amazon. Unfortunately you would be wrong, Amazon is one of the last places that I purchase my books from, especially my eBooks. If you have an android phone or tablet, you will more than likely thank me at the end of this post. Before I purchase books, I must find out what book that I want to read. This is probably the hardest part of the whole book buying experience. There are millions of books out there but finding the right ones can be quite hard. The books that I read fall into five different categories, don't worry there is no extensive equation I just read five types of books.

   The first type of books that I read are books about finances, it's never too early to tell your money where to go. The books from this category that I can recommend whole heartily are... The Total Money Makeover by Dave Ramsey, this book will help you get out of debt by learning basics of money and implementing a written budget. The second book from this category that I love telling people about is Money Master the Game 7 Simple Steps to Financial Freedom by Tony Robbins. Yes the self help guru has a best selling book about financial freedom, he is not a financial guru but this book has many stars from the financial world. I recommend this book for anyone that is scared to enter the investment world, this is a great starter book to teach things to look out for when investing. Both are great books and should go hand in hand because you need to know where your money goes before you can tell it where to go. To find financial books I look on Amazon for the top 100 financial books.

   The next type of book that I read are motivational books, these books can help make you positive in the hard times. There are two books that I can recommend off of the top of my head the first being... Act Like a Success, Think Like a Success by Steve Harvey, this is an amazing book. Many long time readers of this site, know that Steve Harvey has played a major role in my life. I have spoken to Mr. Harvey one time during my senior year of high school, I snuck back stage with some friends I passed through security. I shook his hand and asked him one question as I got pushed back by security. I asked him how to be successful and got told to never give up. The second book that I recommend is Unlimited Power by Tony Robbins, yes another book by the self help guru because it helps. This book helps teach the readers how to change their current state. Mr Robbins has coached many celebrities and athletes, so if his advice helps them why can't it help us? For books like this I look for recommendations based on books I already have read. This sometimes give great reads but sometimes the books are rather bland.

   The third type of book that I read are entrepreneur type books, these books help change my mindset to a business mindset. To be an entrepreneur takes thinking out the box and we are not taught to think this way so we must learn to change our mindset. The first book I highly recommend reading is Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill, it is a timeless classic that is still on every best sellers list. This book is magical and its teachings are helpful to this day, I do not wish to ruin the suspense so read it as soon as possible. The next book that I love is How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie. This book has helped me  talk to people better and learn how to lead conversations to my liking. It also has taught me to judge and rather to learn from them. The final book that I want to recommend in this category is Rich Dad Poor Dad by Robert Kiyosaki, this was the first book I had read in this category. This book taught me the basics of thinking out of the box. Mr Kiyosaki has two dads one was his friend's dad and the other his biological dad. The story might surprise you. For books in this category I find them on Amazon and Reddit. But recently I have been grabbing books off of Tai Lopez's book club list. He reads a book a day so his library has many different books.

   The fourth type of book that I read is biographies and autobiographies, these books hold an amazing wealth of knowledge. There are so many books from this category that I could go on for paragraphs, but I will try to contain myself. The first book I recommend is Tough Sh*t by Kevin Smith, this is truly an Average Joe who has made it. There was nothing special about him yet his drive is what made him become a film director and obtain success. He maxed out his credit cards and made a movie, he saw opportunity and grabbed it and ran with it. The next book that I recommend is Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson, this is the first biography that I read for entertainment. Steve Jobs is one of the greatest entrepreneur in our lifetimes. This book is a peak into his mind and how it works. Total Recall by Arnold Schwarzenegger, this book shows that hard works pays off. If you disagree with that statement, then how can you explain Arnold's success. He came to America with a dream and he made that dream come true. For biographies I just look up a celebrity and just purchase their biography. I've read biographies from Asa Akira (porn star) to Sam Walton (richest person in America). 

   I know that this post has been long but we are almost done, the final type of books that I enjoy are mystery novels. I'm a mystery writer so I must model myself after successful mystery writers. Since the first book that I'm writing is a modern day Hardy Boys book I of course have to mention them. To this day I enjoy the original Hardy Boys book and Nancy Drew books. They brought me joy as a child and still bring me joys to this day as I re read them. I also enjoy darker mystery novels like Who Censored Roger Rabbit by Gary Wolf. Before you think that it is similar to the movie, you would be wrong this book is dark but a good mystery novel. It is a cult classic but it will keep you guessing until the end. I buy any mystery novel that peaks my interest either from the synopsis or the cover.

   Most people purchase their eBooks on Amazon Kindle but i prefer to buy them on Google Play Books. The reason I use Google for my eBooks because I get to use my Play Credit. If you have an android phone or tablet you can download Google Opinion Rewards and take surveys for credit in the Play Store. Another reason I recommend using Google for eBooks is because it syncs between all of my devices. I have two phones, four tablets and one pc so being able to access my eBook library from anyone of my devices and not losing my place is amazing. For my physical books I tend to buy them from Ebay, no special reason other than getting the best price. Sorry for the wrong post but I love books.

October 5, 2016 It doesn't matter how slowly you go as long as you don't stop - Confucius

   Over the past couple of years I have found myself drawn into the world of philosophy. I know that a lot of people tend to discredit philosophy as a subject, however I believe that philosophy is important for personal growth. Philosophical thinking and analysis can help with a person's critical thinking ability. There are two main reasons why I love philosophy, the first being a peak inside a philosopher's mind. Aristotle, Plato, Confucius, Lao Tzu, Zengzi and even Bruce Lee are great philosophers who are no longer with us. Their teachings however have stood the test of time. The second reason that I enjoy philosophy is because it changes the way I see the world. Growing up the world is painted as black or white with no gray in between. But philosophy paints a different story with certain teachings questioning the fundamentals of our very own society. Powerful stuff right, that's why I decided to begin including my very own take on some teachings and incorporate it on my website.

   So let's dive into today's teaching. Today I decided to touch upon a very famous teaching by Confucius. The teaching is "It doesn't matter how slowly you go as long as you don't stop". One of the reasons that I decided to choose this teaching is because I feel that it embodies my current situation. For most readers of this site and my YouTube subscribers know, I have recently hit a fork in the road. Instead of bearing right to continue working and living just as I had for the past three years, I decided to take the left road which has no guarantee of success. If you are a new reader or have missed my post about my situation, you might be asking yourself why I would take such a risk. Let's just say that the easy road would have made me miserable and I would have regretted taking said road. The left road might or might not bring me any success but at the end of it all I can never say what if.

   So this teaching stood out to me today because I was a bit down in the dumps. I have been working on a couple of projects for months now and have not seen the results that I was expecting. Negative results and rejection after rejection would drain the energy out of many. So why wouldn't an average Joe like myself be affected by this constant flow of negativity. Before you go saying that I just need motivation, let me ask you to pump the brake. I already have my Tony Robbins, Zig Ziglar, Jim Rohn and Abraham Hicks YouTube playlist at the ready at all times, so I have enough "motivational" audios. Motivation can only take you so far, without results it is just wishful thinking. If a business does not make money it closes, if an employee does not produce they are fired. That is the way the world works, plain and simple. Yes we all know the saying that Rome was not built in a day, but try telling that to your bills.

   So now picture me in the morning rediscovering this amazing teaching by Confucius. I was sitting in my seat on the Metro North going through my two and a half hour commute, second guessing my decision to leave my current industry. I was already contemplating contacting some people in the industry to see if I could find something. But then boom, I notice Confucius' teaching among a list of top one hundred philosophy teachings. As I read it over and over I begin to gain back my belief in myself. It's easy to quit and throw in the towel, it's hard to see something through to the end. If you ever read a biography ( I have read many), no one achieves success over night it is a hard strenuous process. For some success takes 5 years while for others it takes 20 to 30. As long as at the end of it you achieve the success that you always dreamed of, what's wrong with falling a couple of times along the way. I know there are some skeptics in the crowd reading this who think that all this is made up. To those readers all I can say is you are free to believe what you want but this is my story and I'm sticking to it.

   As you can see this is almost the length of a high-school essay, so let me wrap it up. I don't know if you could tell from reading my text but this was directly from the heart. When I write I try my best to let the words come naturally. None of the text on this paper were written before hand or planned. I found this teaching today wrote it down and kept it on my note pad. I did not come up with what I was going to say on my commute back to my house. Once I opened up this page the post essentially wrote itself. My post might not be written conventionally but they are written directly from the heart without a filter. So if you enjoyed this post or if you have a favorite philosopher you would like me to read up on let me know below in the comments.